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Malaysian Association Of Hotels, Johor Chapter, And Bowen Academy Launch Project ‘Keluar Kampung’

In a significant step towards enhancing educational and career opportunities in hotel management, the Malaysian Association of Hotels, Johor Chapter, and Bowen Academy, in collaboration with UTMSPACE, have launched the ‘Keluar Kampung’ project. This initiative, officially unveiled at Dewan Seminar, UTMSPACE Johor Bahru on 18th December 2023, represents a groundbreaking approach to vocational education, particularly in hotel management.

Key to this project is the Professional Diploma in Hotel Management, approved for offering to rural area SPM leavers. This program is a unique blend of apprenticeship and online learning, focusing on practical experience in the dynamic field of hotel management. Bowen Academy, a Smart Partner of UTMSPACE and a respected entity within the Bowen Group, is at the forefront of this venture, demonstrating a commitment to innovative education and skill development.

Pn. Zareena binti Omar, Director of Business Development at UTMSPACE, officiated the launch. The event was graced by notable attendees including YB Wong Bor Yang, State Assembly, ADUN Senai , Chairman Malaysian Association of Hotel Johor, Mr.Ivan and Mr. Chong Chin Wee, CFO of Bowen Academy.

In summary, the ‘Keluar Kampung’ project is a pioneering effort that promises to revolutionize hotel management education in Malaysia. It represents a collaborative effort to bridge the gap between rural education and professional opportunities, ensuring that the next generation of hospitality professionals is well-equipped to contribute to the industry’s growth and success.