UTMSPACE Part-Time Degree Programme and UTM International Degree Programme (UTM-IDP) Open Registration Day for September Intake 2017.

Open Registration for the UTMSPACE Part-Time Degree Programme and UTM International Degree Programme (UTM-IDP) for September Intake 2017 was held on 2 July, 2017 at UTM Kuala Lumpur.
The objectives of the event are:
- Giving the Opportunity to prospective students to register into the programmes.
- Getting further advice on the course of their interest through the consultation sessions.
III. Identifying the effectiveness of UTMSPACE promotional channels through surveys.
Few registration counters were opened to facilitate the students. Applicants may get to review their application results and get advice from the programme academic advisor of each department, to find out more on to the course.
Meanwhile the UTMSPACE Open Registration Day was also held simultaneously at UTMSPACE Johor Bahru. As for Pulau Pinang and Kuching branch, it was held on 9 July 2017. The event started at 9.00 am and ended at 4.00 pm. Over 200 new applicants came down to registered to our programme.